Golden Apple Surprises John B. Murphy Elementary Teacher with Prestigious Award for Excellence in Teaching

Jenine Wehbeh is one of 10 Illinois teachers in grades 4-8 recognized for superior performance in the classroom and school community

CHICAGO (May 15, 2020) - Golden Apple, the leading Illinois nonprofit committed to preparing, honoring and supporting exemplary educators who advance educational opportunities for students, today surprised Jenine Wehbeh, a seventh and eighth-grade teacher at John B. Murphy Elementary in Chicago, with the prestigious Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching. For the first time in Golden Apple’s history, the awardees are being notified differently than in the full-school environment, and Wehbeh was surprised during a live TV segment on WGN Chicago.

Following a highly competitive process, the 2020 award recipients were selected from more than 730 nominations of 4th-8th grade teachers. The demand for recognition throughout the state was profound, with nominations for outstanding teachers and leaders received from 64 Illinois counties.   

“Exemplary teachers create an extraordinary ripple effect that benefits students, transforms schools and strengthens communities,” said Golden Apple President Alan Mather. “We look forward to Jenine Wehbeh joining our mission to prepare the next generation of highly effective teachers for Illinois schools through our Scholars and Accelerators programs. Our award recipients play a major role in Golden Apple’s efforts to make a material difference in resolving the teacher shortage crisis in Illinois." 

The Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching honors outstanding teachers for their roles in having lasting, positive effects on students’ lives and building stronger communities. Teacher award recipients demonstrate -- in their teaching and results -- significant, positive impact on their students’ growth and learning. Fellow educators, students, parents and community members nominate teachers for the awards. Teachers may not self-nominate.

“We recognize the recipients of the Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching to thank them for their countless contributions, to elevate the importance of the teaching profession for all to see and to inspire others to positively impact their communities by pursuing careers in education,” said Alicia Winckler, CEO of Golden Apple.

Award recipients are selected by master educators who understand and recognize instructional best practices and who utilize professional standards to evaluate exemplary teachers and school leaders. Members of the selection committee viewed video evidence of instruction and observed recipients’ teaching in-person in their classrooms during a comprehensive day which also included interviews with recipients’ colleagues, school leaders, students, parents and community members prior to school building closures in Illinois. 

About Jenine Wehbeh

Wehbeh, a seventh and eighth-grade social studies teacher, empowers her students to be active participants in their community who help advance important societal change. She sets high standards for her students and pushes them to be better. Her teaching emphasizes equity,  social justice and advocacy within the exploration of historical and current events. She has helped teams from her school’s annual history fair advance to state-level competition. Wehbeh established a Peer Conference student group and helped train the students to mediate conflict and reduce harm in their school community. Her teaching is inclusive, accepting and participatory, largely conducted through student-led projects such as a recent mock trial of Christopher Columbus. One colleague said of Wehbeh, “In my 30 years working in education, I have never met an individual of her level of talent, wisdom and energy.”

As a highly valued component of this recognition, Northwestern University, Golden Apple’s partner for more than 30 years, generously provides a Spring Sabbatical to award recipients at no cost. 

"Both Northwestern and Golden Apple are dedicated to developing teachers who will transform the lives of their students and we are proud to host these master teachers on the next step in their professional journeys in education," said Timothy Dohrer, Ph.D., Director of the Master of Science in Education Program at Northwestern University’s School of Education & Social Policy.

In addition, each Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching recipient receives a $5,000 cash award. Award recipients become Fellows of the Golden Apple Academy of Educators, a community of educators who support current and future teachers and deepen the learning of students. Fellows play an important role in preparing the next generation of teachers by providing instruction and mentorship to future teachers in the Golden Apple Scholars and Accelerators programs, each of which is dedicated to addressing the teacher shortage in Illinois. 

The nomination period for the 2021 Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching & Leadership is open. All are invited to nominate exceptional Pre-K-third grade Illinois teachers and Pre-K-12th grade school leaders at

Golden Apple’s social media channels will feature surprises for each of the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching & Leadership recipients. Follow the news here: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn. All press materials for the surprise notifications can be found at

About Golden AppleGolden Apple’s mission is to inspire, develop and support teacher and school leader excellence in Illinois, especially in schools-of-need. Our leading-edge preparation delivers exceptional teachers who make an impact. We help students thrive in the classroom and in life. Since our beginning, we have recognized master educators annually; and, these master educators help prepare the next generation of teachers. Our vision is an Illinois in which every classroom has a great teacher and to realize this, we are committed to making a material difference in resolving the teacher shortage throughout Illinois. Visit for more information. 

Media contact:

David Pickard

AwardsTony Bosma